
bitsy hacks

npm i @bitsy/hecks

A collection of re-usable scripts for Adam Le Doux’s Bitsy Game Maker. See Ayolland’s Borksy for a GUI that allows you to use these hacks with less copy-pasting.

Last tested against Bitsy 8.13


Custom text effect demoFollower demoUnique items demo

How to use

Each script has a short “HOW TO USE” section included in the comments. For steps which say to Copy-paste this script into a script tag after the bitsy source, open your exported bitsy game and scroll to the bottom of the file (at the time of writing, it looks like this):



<body onload='startExportedGame()'>
  <!-- GAME CANVAS -->
  <canvas id='game'></canvas>


then edit it to look like this:


  // and then paste your code here!


<body onload='startExportedGame()'>
  <!-- GAME CANVAS -->
  <canvas id='game'></canvas>



If your question isn’t covered here, it may be in the general Bitsy documentation.

For other issues, feel free to open an issue, contact me directly, or ask for help on the Bitsy forum!

Old Versions

Bitsy and the hacks are generally not backwards-compatible: when Bitsy updates, it often breaks individual hacks. If you’re having issues with hacks after a Bitsy update, it’s possible they are out of date. Feel free to reach out for help or open an issue if you suspect this is the case.

If you are using an older version of Bitsy (or a fork based on an older version), you may require old versions of the hacks. Support is not guaranteed across versions, and old versions are not maintained, but some helpful points in history are listed below.

Further reading